The Value of Snow Play at Bixby

At the first sign of snow, the kids are eagerly asking, “Are we going sledding in Sports class today?”. Sledding is definitely a favorite outdoor activity! The fresh air and sunshine does so much for young bodies, minds and attitudes. It also helps our students to practice responsibility, by remembering to bring all of their snow gear.


Sledding works on endurance, cardiovascular fitness, total body strength, cooperation, and encourages core stability and body control during the fast ride downhill. We are so lucky to be so close to Tantra Park and it’s many sledding areas.


Sledding isn’t the only valuable snowy day activity. The heavy work of playing with and moving snow provides children with proprioceptive and vestibular sensory input, while also increasing attention, focus, postural stability, and gross motor coordination.


When there is snow on the ground, Bixby kids are required to have full snow attire; coats, boots, snow pants, hats (or a hood), and gloves or mittens. Students that come to school without proper gear may miss out on these fun and healthy activities!